How The Director, Alex, Found His Calling into the Film Industry.

After speaking with the Writer, Director, Director of Photography, and Editor of After The Night With Valerie, Alex Garnett, I was able to fully comprehend the inspiration and message behind this film.

Talented it is, but the passion behind it is something of utmost importance. Alex, a very much introverted person, expressed his passion in a way that cannot be explained in writing when talking about his film.

Upon meeting him, I was aware of his quiet and introverted personality from a phone conversation that I’d had with him prior to meeting in person. At the beginning of our in person meeting, I spoke with that same personality I had spoken with over the phone.

It wasn’t until I really started diving into the questions of his inspiration and his message behind the film that I realized, Alex Garnett, was very much extroverted. Extroverted through his passion, his passion for this film, that is. When talking about his film, I saw what brought out a whole new side of him that I was so eager to explore.

So I asked, “What was it that drew you into the film industry?”. His answer was very concise, “I tried writing, I tried art, I tried photography, I tried music, I tried a whole lot of stuff, but I ALWAYS felt like something was missing. When I got into film, it was like everything that I had tried all came together in one,”

just like placing the last piece of a puzzle.


for Alex, nothing is missing. Film has completed that missing piece of his passionate puzzle…       and this puzzle is one that you don’t want to miss!