
Film Description

After suffering a head injury at work, Layne loses most of his memories after a particular event in his life. As he recovers, it is unclear which memories are of real events and which are fabrications of his subconscious. In these fabricated memories he is who he wants others to see him as; his adoration is reciprocated, and the horrible events from his childhood never occurred. Here he never became a father or a husband. The world is open to him. As these fantasies fade, the truth of what occurred over the past 6 years rush back to him, and it becomes clear that he is not the man he wished he would become. He is a man unable to face himself.

About Our Film & Campaign

After the Night With Valerie is an independent film that is written, directed, and produced by the talented Alex M. Garnett. Alex began writing this film with the initial idea to write it as a short story. After continuous hard work and dedication he put into writing this story, it became clear to him that this story was much more than a short story. It was imagery of words that inspired Alex to put this story into a real life setting. And so, the film,  After The Night With Valerie, was born.

What started off as a short story is now a halfway filmed independent film. We are asking for your support to help us keep this film going by donating to this fund, in order for us to complete the second half of filming.

Any donations above $40 will allow your name to be included in the ending credits of the completed film. To find out about other perks available, visit our Campaign page!

Meet the Cast

Meet The Cast

Sam Stinson (Left image) stars as Layne Buntyn. Sam is known for When We Burn Out (2017 feature), Terror Birds (2016 feature), and The Leftovers (2015 TV Series).

Lorelei Linklater (Right image) stars as Valerie Hearne. Lorelei is known for Blood Surf (2017 feature), Bomb City (2017 feature), Boyhood (2014 feature), and Waking Life (2001 feature).

Jordan LeuVoy (Left image) stars as Nate Lemming.  Jordan is known for Song of Myself (2016 Short), Ellie Altered (2015 Short), and Trippin’ to the Altar (2015 Feature).

Carly Christopher (Right image) stars as Jess. Carly is known for Six Pack Sam (2018 feature), Watchers (2017 short), and Knight Games (2017 short).


More Videos

Hear it from the Writer and Director himself, Alex M. Garnett.

The Trailer (in case you haven’t gotten enough of it)!


For more information, or if you’d like to contact us please submit an email below: